IT Consultancy Services UK

JJ owen

15 Jan 24

JJ owen

Welcome to 2 Digit Innovations, Living Innovations in software solutions.


Today I am introducing you to a new product which is just a simple one page website (template) for our UK-based client. Named as

The Client wants to develop a very simple website. So we have created a Single page website ( SPW )

So let’s check the website.

  • We are having a hero section over here 

  • After that we are having the section the services that we are offering 

  • After that we have a section related to the Trusted client 

  • A section where we discussed about our client 

  • Then we have a section of our client review section 

  • case studies 

  • A section of our design and development approach

  • Technology that they use for development  

  • Their development process 

  • Feature resources 

  • And At last there is the form for get in touch

This is a very simple and one page website (SPA). This is made in NextJs and tailwind CSS. If you want to make such a website please call us or fill our enquiry form.

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